Welcome to the Government 101 Podcast!


Hello. I'm doctor Scott Granberg Rademacker.


And I'm doctor Kevin Parsneau. Welcome to the Government 101 podcast, a positively political podcast hosted by the political science program at Minnesota State University, Mankato. We wanna introduce you to and tell you a little bit about the podcast and then let you get on your way. We're both political science professors and hope to bring you interesting, informative, and even entertaining discussions of politics from local, state, national, and international perspectives.


Now we wanna make this different from a lot of the other other podcast, political podcasts that are out there that are all just filled with partisan opinions, talking points, and just generally rehashing news that you can get hundreds of other places. Instead, what we're gonna bring to you is expert analysis from faculty as well as analysis from some students, activists, practitioners, and generally just other thoughtful people. We're gonna try to keep these episodes short and sweet, but packed with insight, and we may just end up amusing you in the meantime as well.


Every episode, we wanna include 1, hook a piece that's just a little gimmick to make it a little bit more fun. My hook for this week isn't particularly original, but Scott and I are both quantitative political scientists, so we can guarantee that we're the nerdiest people you're gonna hear on this podcast.


True enough. And my hook is that this interesting, intro and outro music that you're able to enjoy was done by one of our MSU students, music students. So thanks for tuning in. More to come and have a wonderful day everyone. Take care.


Thank you.

Creators and Guests

Kevin Parsneau
Kevin Parsneau
Political Science professor at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Green Bay Packers Fan.
Scott Granberg-Rademacker
Scott Granberg-Rademacker
Professor of Government at Minnesota State University, Mankato. I also play guitar for fun.
Welcome to the Government 101 Podcast!
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